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Is Super AI Coming?

Is there anyone who has not heard of AI at this point? AI, or artificial intelligence, is growing to dominate tech. It seems like every company is jumping on the AI bandwagon—even your smartphone has AI built in, even when you don’t realize it. AI is used for writing reports and news articles, and some students are even using AI to write their term papers. Futurists speculate that AI will lead to a myriad of advances in many fields, and investors have already made billions of dollars on AI companies. Where will it end?


News text with magnifying glass

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The Wrestling Match That Changed History

Wilderness of Edom sunset

One man’s ancient determination still resonates throughout the modern world. What can you learn from Jacob’s struggle?

To-Do and “Ta-Done”

Hand checking to do list boxes

Are you accomplishing the tasks Christ has set for you?
