Mothers making decisions with faith.

Decisions, Decisions…

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Taking care of a child has never been simple, but I think most would agree that the world we are raising our children in is a very confusing and complicated one. Everyone has an opinion about what a child should eat and wear, how and where they should sleep, what medical care to give them, how to school them, and so forth. Breastfeeding or formula, vaccines and antibiotics versus homeopathic medicine, disposable diapers or cloth, homeschooling, public schooling, daycare—so much to consider! Not that I feel wracked with worry all the time, but there is always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that says, “You aren’t doing enough” or “You are making the wrong decision.”

How should Christian mothers wrestle with such constant and pervasive concerns?

The amount of information and opinion is staggering and overwhelming. Everyone is convinced they have the solution, the best way, the only way, to raise a child. I can remember a time when my child came down with a little bug and I had absolutely no idea what to do. Every option was fraught with pros and cons. Then it hit me; I do not have all the answers. I will never have all the answers.

But my heavenly Father does.

We still have to make decisions, and God will not literally put handwriting on the wall telling us which decision to make. But some of the decisions we make are big ones—ones that affect our children’s health, both spiritually and physically. In those cases, shouldn’t we ask God to help us see the issue through His eyes and ask for the wisdom to make the godly choice, the choice that most aligns with His laws and way of life? We have a God who wants to be involved in our lives and our children’s lives, and will be from the very beginning if we seek Him!

God thinks about us (Psalm 139:17). He fashioned us individually (Psalm 33:13–15)! And that includes our children! We are to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). This is something I struggle with every day. But as my husband and I raise our son, I am realizing more and more how vital that surrender to God is. This world is a scary place and the feeling that one wrong decision could ruin our child’s life is always hanging over us. If we as mothers strive to put God’s way and law first in our lives, to let that inform our decisions for our children, then God will direct us towards the right decisions. This world encourages parents to make decisions that are easy and convenient, even if those choices are not the best for our children. 

Proverbs 3:5–6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” If we make big decisions for our children without going to our Father for guidance and trusting in the righteousness of His ways and law, we have no power to ensure that the consequences will be good. Our understanding is so limited. We cannot see what God sees. Our children are princes and princesses of the Kingdom of God. God is interested in them, just like He is in us! I take comfort in the knowledge that He promises to help us make the right decisions for our little ones, to do what is best for them, and be the best mommies we can be. No matter how convoluted the world’s information is, if we keep God at the center of our lives, we can trust that He will guide us towards the right decisions. After all, He loves our children even more than we do!

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  Originally Published: 06th May 2015