Josh Lyons | Page 5 | Tomorrow's World

Josh Lyons

Entertaining Satan

Red evil gramophone

“Dancing with the devil” is more popular than most realize.

Medical Evidence Supports Biblical Instruction: Don’t Eat Pork

Did you know that the vast majority of the world’s meat consumption (excluding fish) comes from just five animals? Yet the one that tops the list is also the only one the Bible expressly forbids: pork. Many are familiar with this fact, but few understand the reason—and the wisdom behind it.

More Gentleness, Please and Thank You

The spirit of the modern age, at least if you pay much attention to news and social media, is one of protests and bullhorns, aggression and brazen demands, where the loudest and most extreme often seem to get their way. God’s word teaches a far better way, however, and emphasizes a virtue that is not very popular in our current moment in history, but which would nevertheless greatly benefit everyone in society—gentleness.

King Charles III, King Solomon, and Zadok the Priest

There are many fascinating current and historical facets of Great Britain, the British monarchy, and its peoples’ customs, beliefs, and blessings that find their precedents in the ancient nation of Israel. One of these was witnessed at King Charles’ recent coronation. As millions watched, they also heard a powerful piece of music during his anointing that referenced the biblical figures of Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Solomon the king.

Seeing the Halo from God’s View

The halo has been a very popular symbol used in Christian art for centuries. You’ve probably seen them in various forms, from shining discs painted behind saints in medieval art to little yellow rings around a cartoon angel’s head. How should Christians view this popular symbol that has adorned depictions of Jesus, Mary, angels, and saints, but has also been found associated with people and gods of other non-Christian religions over the centuries? Most importantly, what is God’s view?
