Josh Lyons | Page 9 | Tomorrow's World

Josh Lyons

Three Signs that Vaccine Mandates are Not the Mark of the Beast

Some aspects of corporate and government requirements related to the COVID-19 vaccine sound eerily like scriptures in the book of Revelation describing the infamous “mark of the beast.” Vaccine mandates leading to lost jobs, restrictions from entering many places of commerce, and the administration of almost

Is COVID-19 a Sign of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

COVID-19—perhaps no event has so universally affected the globe since World War II. According to a July 21, 2021 article by U.S. News & World Report, only 14 countries out of the 197 in the world haven’t reported a COVID-19 case, and twelve of those are small island nations. It is a worldwide crisis that has likely sparked a variety of questions in the minds of Bible readers, especially questions related to the book of Revelation.

Will the Bible Be “Canceled”? Yes and No

“Cancel culture” picks up more steam by the day. Some important books that have experienced censorship recently are Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. Often, censored opinions and viewpoints agree in some way with biblical principles. The “canceled list” goes on and on and seems to be growing. However, despite the fad of canceling and censoring politically incorrect material, have you noticed what hasn’t been canceled yet?

Are American Moral Values On a Downward Spiral?

Gallup has been conducting a fascinating poll for almost 20 years on where Americans stand on big moral issues. This eye-opening information provides an overview of a very interesting trend: that Americans’ views on many moral issues are rapidly departing from the morals established in the Bible.

Gallup reports the following trends of American opinions on several moral issues. The percentages reflect Americans who said that the stated behaviors are “morally acceptable”:

To "Love Your Enemies"

To "Love Your Enemies"

In a world infected by hatred, Christ reveals the cure.
