Michael Heykoop | Page 6 | Tomorrow's World

Michael Heykoop

Is Religion Dangerous?

Has the existence of religion made the world a better place? Increasingly, many are looking at the world around them and seeing vivid examples of what can happen when religious extremism is expressed through violence, or seeing religious doctrine as standing in direct opposition of scientific reasoning and impassioned tolerance. Others may look at the laws and regulations of religion as unnecessary—or even damaging, archaic restrictions which prevent adherents from living however they see fit. Whatever the reason, it is clear that more and more people believe religion is harming society.

The End of Morality?

How important is morality to you? Did you know that among Canadians, according to an Angus Reid pole, an astounding 40% (almost half) don’t even view the word morality as having a positive meaning? Have morals had a positive impact on your life? This is a question we can ask before even having a discussion as to what may or may not constitute proper morals.

Dismissing Our History

Dismissing Our History

There is much debate today about whether official monuments to flawed historical figures should be maintained. Could there be any unforeseen cost of their removal?

Religion: Canada’s Four- Letter Word

What does it reveal about our society when “religion” has become a “dirty word,” even among the religious?

Why Economies Fail

Could you design the perfect economy? What do you think the ideal system looks like? You don’t need an economics degree to look around and recognize that something isn’t working. Throughout history, many different systems have been tried. From feudalism to socialism, communism to capitalism, yet none has succeeded in providing a lasting, balanced economy. They all contain the same fatal flaw. Each one overlooks a basic trait of human nature.  It’s unlikely that any nation will change its economic policies based on this program.
