Michael Heykoop | Page 9 | Tomorrow's World

Michael Heykoop

The end of Pax Americana?

Two millennia ago, the Western world was in a state of uneasy peace, commonly referred to as Pax Romana. This peace was brought about by the region's only superpower, an entity powerful enough to give pause to nations thinking about independence. While this peace led to an explosion in literature, culture and technology, it did not last long.

As the Roman Empire collapsed under the strain of supporting a morally—and financially—bankrupt society, this state of uneasy peace came to an end, throwing the region into chaos. History is repeating itself.

False Sense of Honour

How do you define honour? In times past, the word honour was reserved for those with an exceptional sense of honesty, integrity and loyalty. Recently, it has been used in a new way which acts as a slap in the face of those who actually seek to personify those three virtuous traits.  Honour has become an acceptable way to describe a man dealing out his own justice and taking the life of his wife or daughter.

Which church would Jesus attend?

Some estimate that there are well over 30,000 different church organizations calling themselves Christian; most of which claim to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. How is anyone supposed to sort through so many options? If Christ came back today and looked for the Church He founded, what criteria do you suppose He would use?

Can you escape Armageddon?

When you hear the term "Armageddon," what images come to mind?  Perhaps you picture an asteroid crashing into the earth, a nuclear war ravaging the world or an epidemic snuffing out all life from the planet.  The term has become synonymous with the phrase "the end of the world," and many believe that it marks the end of all life on earth!

The devil's end

As a society, we love a good story. Writers can make millions of dollars crafting thrilling tales to keep us on the edge of our seat. The most common formula used is that of good versus evil.
