Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2010

Feature Story

Five key events are coming together that will change our world forever. Though most "prophecy teachers" have no idea, God's people can know with certainty, from Scripture, what is about to happen that will soon usher in Jesus Christ's return as...

Article 1

As economic crisis batters the European Union, one nation stands poised to take a greater leadership role than ever before. Germany is now positioning itself as the "savior" of a troubled continent. What does Bible prophecy say about all this?...

Article 2

Most of us have our own idea about Jesus, formed from what other people have taught us. But have you ever really looked at what the Bible says about Jesus Christ? What was He doing when He was on planet Earth—and what is He doing now for you, and...

Article 3

What vital family lesson can we learn from "man's best friend"?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Even before young people reach sexual maturity, they are bombarded with images that equate "attractiveness" with "looking hot"—with sexual appeal and seductiveness.

London Calling

Great Britain now carries a national debt of more than £850 billion—a figure forecast to rise to £1.2 trillion in coming years as the nation borrows to keep the economy moving while hoping for a growth-led recovery.


Our eyes should "look up" to God, and to the living Jesus Christ at His right hand, understanding how and why they are planning and orchestrating world events to bring about God's Kingdom on planet Earth.

Prophecy Comes Alive

Around the world, people who profess belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ are increasingly being treated as criminals for taking a stand on biblical principles. Why is this happening, and what does it mean?

Questions and Answers

Question: If the gate is narrow and the way difficult, as Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 7:13–14, then how could His yoke be easy and His burden light? (Matthew 11:30) Please explain this apparent contradiction.


Letter to the Editor

Your ministry has been of great help! Especially to me as a migrant worker from the Philippines. I thank God for having one such as this, teaching and bringing people to...
