Who Determines Morality? | Tomorrow's World

Who Determines Morality?

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A few weeks ago in a Sunday service at St John the Baptist’s in Felixstowe, the Eucharist service of the Church of England “included a blessing, for the first time in the Church of England’s 489-year history, for same-sex partners” (Telegraph, December 17, 2023). To be clear, officials of England’s national church—ostensibly the moral authority of the nation—asked God to bless a relationship that the Bible clearly deems sinful (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26–27). In fact, the couple receiving the blessing were, themselves, two female Anglican priests! While the Church of England claims to be Christian, it is clearly not following Jesus Christ—the one who inspired the laws and commands that forbid same-sex relationships (2 Timothy 3:15–16). Although the Church of England still technically forbids same-sex “marriage,” its leaders have approved prayers for those in same-sex relationships. The event in Felixstowe took place one day before the Roman Catholic Church also approved blessings on same-sex couples (AP, December 19, 2023).

One of those “blessed” by the Anglican minister remarked that, “as Christians, we’re clear that the gospel is about love.… [T]here’s more in the Bible about not being a gossip than there is about homosexuality—and Jesus himself never said anything about it.” However, this ignores clear New Testament teachings—both Jesus’ and others’ (Matthew 19:4–5; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Revelation 21:7–8). Jesus Christ also warned of such hypocrisy, saying that “in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:9).

Right and wrong do not change, just like God does not change (Malachi 3:6)! In fact, Jesus Christ, who is also the God of the Old Testament, “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). What God considers right and wrong, moral and immoral, is solid and unchanging, regardless of what is currently fashionable or acceptable—in the Church of England or anywhere else! The day is coming when a foundation of true godly morality will finally be established in all nations. That time will start when Jesus Christ returns! To learn more, read “Moral Absolutes? Absolutely!