Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2009

London Calling

God has a plan for all mankind, and every nation found in earth's history is subject to His guidance and direction. The nations of Africa are no exception, despite its troubles and trials.


Satan is also called "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). For Satan and his demons "work." They never grow tired. They never quit.

Prophecy Comes Alive

A "famine" of hearing the truth occurs when the nations of Israel are taken over by a foreign power that prohibits the proclamation and practice of the true biblical faith. This happened around 720bc when Assyrians carried the northern 10 tribes...

Questions and Answers

Question: If God is all-powerful, why does He allow Satan to be the "god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4)?

Answer: Scripture makes it clear that the devil—Satan—is currently in charge of planet Earth. Even...

Letter to the Editor

May-June 2009

Cover Story

As you face the stresses of daily life, are you making the time to come closer to God, to receive the peace and guidance only He can give? If you have never learned to pray, you still can!

Feature Story

Belief in Satan is often considered "old-fashioned" in our day. But Christ Himself spoke of the reality of the spiritual dimension. Are you prepared to resist the devil's deceptions?

Article 1

Do you need divine healing? Are you doing what needs to be done to receive that healing? God wants to act in your life, if you will let Him!

Article 2

What do you do to stay healthy? Does your health have anything to do with your Christian life? Scripture outlines vital principles that can help you lead a longer and happier life!

Article 3

Has the United States forgotten its heritage, and the Source of its blessings?
