Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2009

Watch and Warn

World leaders—ranging from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to U.S. President Barack Obama—have spoken out against violence and crimes against humanity.


So where did you get your religion? How did you come to believe the things that you believe?

Prophecy Comes Alive

What "progressive" social reformers do not seem to understand is that God predicted in the pages of the Bible what is actually happening today in the modern Israelite nations.

Letter to the Editor

I want to thank very much Mr. Richard Ames for his article, "Prayer: Our Lifeline to God" (Tomorrow's World, May-June 2009). I have read it many times and have...

July-August 2009

Cover Story

The United States is in an unprecedented decline, which was prophesied long ago. How can you individually survive the collapse of your nation?

Feature Story

As world events reveal the fulfillment of more and more Bible prophecies, why will so many people try to rationalize God's word away?

Article 1

Forty years after Neil Armstrong set the first human foot on the moon, what does the future hold for human beings in space?

Article 2

What happens when you die? Do you know where your deceased loved ones are, right now? The Bible's answer may not be what you expect!

Article 3

Is there a solution to widespread starvation?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Timing is an important part of opportunity, and that while we need to do our part, we can trust God's hand in the timing of what He has for us.
