Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2009

Article 4

Whether in or out of the classroom, time off makes a big difference in our lives!

London Calling

It is widely understood that the ancient Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the fifteenth century bc—which would date the Scots' migration from Greater Scythia to the third century bc!

Watch and Warn

If multinational companies and modern nations can fail, and if international support continues to wane, then could the U.S. and the U.K. fail?


Why are increasing millions of professing Christians going about inventing their own religion—seeking "spiritual values" apart from attendance at any organized denominational church?

Prophecy Comes Alive

As Australians search for the causes of the sudden firestorm catastrophe and as they attempt to understand why they are being shaken by earthquakes, it is instructive to see what is mentioned and what is ignored.

Questions and Answers

Question: In Matthew 18:20, Jesus said: "where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." Does this mean that individual Christians can decide for themselves when and where they can worship...

Letter to the Editor

Thank you very much for the informative booklets that I recently received from you. They are a definite help in my understanding of Bible scriptures, and would be an...

March-April 2009

Cover Story

Are you worried about non-Christian friends and loved ones who have died? Are they condemned forever to an ever-burning Hell? Your Bible reveals a hope-filled truth that few today understand!

Feature Story

What will you be doing for eternity? Many Christians have only a vague idea of their eternal destiny, but Scripture reveals the truth of the matter: God will establish a literal governing Kingdom in which today's Christians will participate! Will...

Article 1

Is there an unbroken "apostolic succession" of Roman bishops extending from Peter to the present Pope Benedict XVI? What does history reveal about long-standing claims of special authority for the Bishop of Rome?
