Do you plan to participate in Easter sunrise services this year? If you really love Jesus, you won’t.
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Do you plan to participate in Easter sunrise services this year? If you really love Jesus, you won’t.
What can we learn upon a closer inspection of history? Facts matter—especially when grounded on biblical truth!
The magazine you are reading continues the very Work of God, in which one of the original “pirate” radio stations played an important role.
What will be the physical, economic, and spiritual damage of Canada’s worsening opioid crisis? Can people enslaved to drug addiction ever be free?
Explaining bioluminescence is a mountain of a task for evolutionists. The remarkable phenomenon presents illuminating evidence of the Master Designer.
To better understand to whom we should pray, we should consider the words of Christ on the subject.
What is the source of the nation of Israel’s resilience? Modern Israelis swear never to allow another Masada or Holocaust—but what does Bible prophecy say about Israel’s future?