Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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April-May 2023

Don’t Fall for Perfectionism
Article 4

No one is perfect except Christ—yet we seek to be like Him. So, should we be perfectionists?

Article 4

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

It’s easy to see others’ mistakes and think, “If only I’d been there instead….” But what would you have really done if you had met, seen, or known Jesus Christ in ancient times?

The Attack on Parental Rights
Oh Canada!

Parents can see that institutions promoting gender-bending agendas are hijacking children’s minds and safety. What hope remains for your kids and their future?

What Is the Stone of Destiny?
Questions and Answers

The Stone of Scone, housed in Scotland but having a long history in the coronation of Irish, Scottish, and English kings, may also have ties to an even more ancient monarchy.

Letters to TW
Letter to the Editor

Tell us what you think!

March 2023

Wailing Wall and Temple Mount with dome in Jerusalem
Cover Story

A troubled city with an ancient past has a remarkable future ahead! What does the Bible say will happen to Jerusalem before Jesus Christ’s return—and after?

Ape and Man in hourglass
Feature Story

Many would have you believe that evidence against evolution does not exist. What is the truth about evolution and its supposed scientific “underpinnings”?

Azure Lake Quarry

Will there ever be another temple built in Jerusalem? What if God were building a very different temple out of a very special people living on earth today?

Sunrise over planets horizon with space
Article 1

Jesus Christ promised a better tomorrow at His Second Coming, a brand-new day that we can start living for now.
