Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January 2023

Hands holding Earth at twilight with lights
Feature Story

Many are familiar with the scriptural refrain “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” But will true world peace ever be possible?

Family at sunset nuclear family concept
Article 1

Is there any hope of a normal life in a society in which all ideas of “normal” are under sustained and persistent attack by those seeking to make perversion the new reality?

Australia flooding meter marker at sunset
Article 2

For the past several years, trouble in Australia from floods and fires has reached unprecedented levels. Is there a biblical explanation?

Man kneeling under dark clouds praying
Article 3

What lessons should we take from times of suffering and trials of faith?

Article 4

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A Force for Change
London Calling

Many know of William Wilberforce’s crusade against slavery in the British Empire, but less well-known is his devotion to building his own Christian character.

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

To serve Jesus Christ and help build a better world in the future, true Christians must learn how to “come out from among them and be separate” from the affairs of this one.

DNA helix with yellow backlight
The Works of His Hands

Do your genetics really hold all the answers to your past, present, and future? Or does the remarkable intricacy of life’s incredible design reflect the works of a Creator with even greater plans in store?

Holding up bible to questions
Questions and Answers

For almost two thousand years, the Christian faith has been plagued by a false doctrine about the godhead. How does the Bible describe the Holy Spirit?

Letter to the Editor

Tell us what you think!
