Social problems are simple cause and effect: If you don’t live by what the Bible says is right and wrong, you’ll never eliminate the root cause of your troubles.
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Social problems are simple cause and effect: If you don’t live by what the Bible says is right and wrong, you’ll never eliminate the root cause of your troubles.
Learning from our mistakes is painful—and not necessarily the way God wanted humanity to grow. Is there a way to build an ideal world that God had planned from the very beginning?
Why are Western nations embroiled in immigration crises? What will be the fates of the immigrant populations? The Bible provides answers.
Tomorrow’s World is a magazine of prophetic understanding, helping to shine the light of Bible prophecy on the often-disturbing events and developments that are shaping society and our entire world. Will you heed the watchman’s warning...
What do the standards we use tell us about our society and our character? There is a moral standard that shows us the way to better relationships with our fellow man—and with God Himself!
Does God call us, or do we choose Him? Jesus Christ’s teaching that “no one can come to the Father” unless called doesn’t have to be a source of confusion!
While mass immigration tears at the fabric of Western civilization, Scripture reveals our Creator’s vision of how humanity should live upon the earth.
What vital elements are needed to prove where Jesus Christ’s true Gospel is being preached today? Who is teaching the true Gospel of Christ in our time?