Douglas S. Winnail | Page 3 | Tomorrow's World

Douglas S. Winnail

The Mysterious First Horseman

Vatican at dusk

Many wonder: What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Who—or what—do they represent? The Bible reveals that they are actually forces at work in the world right now, and the first rider on a white horse is not Jesus Christ the returning King! In fact, the Messiah gives us the real answer, Himself.

Forgotten Lessons of History

Coliseum ruins at Sunrise

There are sins that destroy civilizations. The consequences are clear throughout human history.

What’s Behind the War on History?

Defaced Columbus statue

History is under siege. Long-acknowledged facts are being “rewritten” as heroes are made villains and students of Western civilization are taught to hate their heritage. But why? What forces are working behind it all? And how will the war on history end?

Mary: Lady of All Nations?

White stone statue of Mary

Mary, mother of Jesus, is among the most well-known figures venerated in Catholic devotions and liturgy. But too few understand the real origins behind the religious rites and customs that bear her name.

In God We (No Longer) Trust

In God We (No Longer) Trust

Has God abandoned us, or have our societies turned against Him? What tragic consequences will come of the West’s disbelief?
