Letters to the Editor 2019 March-April | Tomorrow's World

Letters to the Editor

Comment on this article

Gerald Weston’s “Tame the Social Media Monster” [in the March-April 2018 issue] are my sentiments to the letter! As an elementary school teacher, now retired, I saw the evolution of students’ social behaviors before my very eyes, and none of it was positive. I taught second graders, age seven, from 1973 to 2007. I would like to order the booklet for parents that you have suggested for my daughter and son-in-law to read for my grandchild’s sake.
Reader in New York

Editor’s Note: The free booklet mentioned, Successful Parenting: God’s Way, was sent to this reader. This booklet and many other free materials are available from our Regional Offices, listed on page 4, and also at our website TomorrowsWorld.org.

If it wasn’t for you all I would be in the streets drugging. Now I watch the [Tomorrow’s World] program. I’m learning to be thankful for your words of blessings. I’m not stealing anymore either. Thanks to God’s word, I don’t want to sin no more. Pray for us all. Thank you.
Letter from a Reader

Thank you, Tomorrow’s World, for the enlightening material you have sent me. I really appreciate it, also your television programs as well. I have learned so much from it, and I can see where the mainstream churches have lost track of the TRUTH. Thanks once again.
Reader in Australia

[Concerning the Tomorrow’s World Viewpoint video, “What Is the Probability of Life?”:] I don’t believe in God, and yet I am now utterly convinced, by videos like this and a little research, that life could not possibly have begun by chance. So… hmmmm… Do I believe in God after all? I am definitely conflicted!
Online Viewer

Found this article by Douglas Winnail [“The Anglosphere’s Sobering Future,” September-October 2018] to be spot on. It should be read by every person of the English-speaking nations. The excerpts from all the sources he quotes are just so true. I can see no way the world can recover, even if they all believe in Jesus. The tipping point has passed.
Reader in Texas

I was a registered nurse for 34 years—spent my last ten years in the newborn nursery. Nothing could disprove the theory of evolution more. A human being could not possibly have come from some freak accident of nature. They are just too perfect and beautiful. Thanks for your article.
Online Reader

I just wanted to say thanks to Evangelist Gerald Weston and Mr. Phil West for sharing their insight at the meeting in Memphis. My wife and I enjoyed the fellowship and meeting their wives. Thanks for all the work that the Living Church of God is doing in our world today, and may God give you the strength to carry onward!
Subscriber in Tennessee

Editor’s Note: This subscriber is referring to one of our many live Tomorrow’s World Presentations, conducted in cities all over the world. If you are interested in attending a live presentation, simply visit us at TomorrowsWorld.org and scroll down to the “Presentations” area. Click on “More Cities” to see a full list of currently scheduled presentations. We hope to meet you soon!


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