News and Prophecy | Page 44 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Talking to Children Helps Them Learn

  1. 11th November 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Many are aware that reading to young children helps their brains develop. A host of recent research studies have further highlighted the positive impact that conversation with young children has on their learning and brain development (BBC, October 1, 2019). It is not enough for children just to hear conversation occurring around them, and it is not the number...


What Connects Britain, Israel, and the United States?

  1. 08th November 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In September, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Luxembourg to discuss Brexit strategy with his European counterparts. While there, he cancelled a press conference in order to avoid the jeers of an angry crowd. Luxembourg’s prime minister carried on the press conference anyway, with Johnson’s chair left empty, in a clear attempt to discredit Johnson (...


Australian Countdown to “Day Zero”

  1. 04th November 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Towns in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are in the midst of one of Australia’s most devastating droughts (Reuters, September 27, 2019). Many towns are now counting down to “day zero”—the day each town will completely run out of water. For most, this terminal date will fall in mid- to late-2020.


Threat of War Looms over Europe

  1. 01st November 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

With the United States signaling it will not be around to provide military support for Europe, and Russia increasing its military presence on Europe’s borders, many European nations are taking greater action to rearm (The Guardian, September 30, 2019).


Bee Die-off in the Amazon

  1. 07th October 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

dead bees and map of South America The Guardian reported dire news from Brazil, noting that beekeepers have lost over half a billion honeybees in only three months (August 29, 2019). For many, the die-off brings to mind colony collapse. However, the standard symptoms of colony collapse are not evident with the Brazilian die-off. Normally with colony collapse, bees just disappear from their hives.


U.S. Decline Could Be Sudden!

  1. 04th October 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

U.S. flag and sharply downward trending arrow Many people in America and abroad see the country’s moral and political decline. The U.S. president at least partially acknowledged this fact with his “Make America Great Again” slogan—you do not need to become “great again” if you are already great or unless you see the country in decline. This catchy slogan looks back to what many view as a better time.


Children’s Bodies Invaded by Plastic

  1. 30th September 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Between 2014 and 2017, the German Environment Ministry and the Robert Koch Institute examined blood and urine samples of 2,500 children. The study found plastic by-products in 97 percent of those samples (Deutsche Welle, September 14, 2019). One of the study’s authors reported, “Our study clearly shows that plastic ingredients, which are rising in production,...


War with Iran?

  1. 27th September 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

On September 14, drones and missiles, allegedly from Yemen, struck a Saudi oil refinery, causing damage that could take months to repair (The Guardian, September 16, 2019). However, Saudi Arabia and the United States have accused Iran of backing the attack. Experts warn that if Saudi Arabia responds with an attack on either Yemen or Iran, the situation will...


Fracturing German-U.S. Relationship

  1. 23rd September 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

According to German news source Der Spiegel, “Never since the founding of postwar Germany have relations between Berlin and the United States been as fragile as they are today” (August 21, 2019). President Trump and Chancellor Merkel communicate very little and have not had a good relationship. In addition to President Trump’s comments that Germany needs to pay...


War in South America?

  1. 20th September 2019
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Venezuela and Colombia appear on a collision course. Due to President Maduro’s crushing economic policies, over one million Venezuelans have left the country and now reside across the border in Colombia (Deutsche Welle, September 11, 2019). Colombia has accused Venezuela of harboring terrorists who appear to be using the nation as a base from which to attack...

