Natural Disasters | Page 16 | Tomorrow's World

Natural Disasters

2019 in Bible Prophecy

We know, based on Bible prophecy, where our world is headed and what will be the outcome. The Bible warns of trouble and tribulation, but the good news is that Jesus Christ will return to earth to save us from ourselves.  The Second Coming is when world peace will become reality, and that is the message of Tomorrow’s World.  There IS a better world coming, but will it come in 2019?

Another Disaster Ahead?

Earlier this year, Japanese scientists from the Kobe Ocean Bottom Exploration Center discovered a massive lava dome 30 miles from the southern tip of Japan’s main southern island of Kyushu. The dome stands 2,000 feet high, has a diameter of six miles and currently sits just 100 feet below the ocean’s surface. The dome is immense and contains nearly eight cubic miles of magma.

Record Floods and Fires

Recent historic rains brought major flooding to Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey (Reuters, August 14, 2018). This was the second time in a month many in this region experienced severe flooding.

Suffocating Ocean

According to a recent study in the highly respected journal Science, “Ocean dead zones with zero oxygen have quadrupled in size since 1950… while the number of very low oxygen sites near coasts have multiplied tenfold” (The Guardian, January 4, 2018). Because most sea life cannot live in these dead zones, scientists predict that mass extinction and ecological collapse could occur if the trend continues.

Russian Orthodox Leader Predicts the End of History

In recent statements, “the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church said… the world is on the brink of slipping into ‘the abyss of the end of history’” (Newsweek, November 21, 2017). He continued by warning his congregants that the coming end of the age—the apocalypse—is currently “visible to the naked eye.” However, this Russian cleric is not alone in his dire predictions.
