Natural Disasters | Page 13 | Tomorrow's World

Natural Disasters

Sighing Because of the News

When my wife and I get up to have our morning coffee, we often say, “Shall we turn on the news and see what ‘blew up’ last night?” We wonder: What disaster, murders, shootings, riots, robberies, accidents, fires, pandemic deaths, political bickering, legislative logjams, scandals, bankruptcies, lawsuits, debt increases, or other negative things happened since yesterday? There is usually something to sigh about.


Stacked newspapers

Mark 13:37: “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A Perfect Storm

Crashing wave over a man running into the sunset

How the perfect storm arrived in 2020 and why we’re not ready for the one biblical prophecy says is yet to come!

Is “The Big One” Coming?

News reports occasionally feature "The Big One"—the expectation of an earthquake of mammoth magnitude wreaking widespread destruction. What did Jesus say about earthquakes? Does the Bible foretell a massive earthquake striking the Earth in the last days?

Behind the Cloak of COVID-19

For the last few months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has seemed at times like a cosmic black hole: It has relentlessly consumed everyone’s attention—especially in the media. Turn on the television or radio, scan headlines on the web, or swipe through the news on your phone, and COVID-19 often dominates the headlines and discussion. However, behind the ominous, ever-present cloak of the virus, the world is suffering from numerous other calamities.
