Prophets, astrologers, and seers have predicted the end of the world. And we have not believed them. But scientists, such as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, also warn of cosmic catastrophes! These scientists have set the symbolic Doomsday Clock to two minutes before midnight! The Day of the Lord prophesied in your Bible is surely coming on planet Earth. Will you escape the Day of the Lord? You can, if you follow the instructions in your Bible.
Following nearly a decade of drought, Queensland received much needed rain last month—rain that has brought with it more disaster (CNN, February 13, 2019)! The devastating rains on the parched land brought tremendous flooding that subsequently drowned and starved almost a half-million head of cattle. Photos from the air show dead cows huddled together to avoid rising waters and the driving rain and cold.
Queensland in northeastern Australia is experiencing devastating flooding. More than 20,000 homes are at risk of inundation as floodwaters engulf neighborhoods—even bringing displaced saltwater crocodiles!
Recently, Hurricane Michael pummeled the Gulf coast and the Mid-Atlantic states, causing widespread property damage and loss of life. On the heels of that, Northern California has experienced the worst fire season on record. Firefighters and rescue efforts are overwhelmed, with some small towns facing complete devastation. The loss of life is staggering, with hundreds of people still missing. Wildfires have raced through the bone-dry hills and valleys, driven by fierce Santa Ana winds—an unusual phenomenon in that area.
We know, based on Bible prophecy, where our world is headed and what will be the outcome. The Bible warns of trouble and tribulation, but the good news is that Jesus Christ will return to earth to save us from ourselves. The Second Coming is when world peace will become reality, and that is the message of Tomorrow’s World. There IS a better world coming, but will it come in 2019?